Tuesday, April 27, 2010

April 27, 2010


  1. Thesea,
    Again, thank you for posting on my blog because I never would have found yours unless you did! Your photographs are wonderful, and I love your explanation on your "About Me" page. I look forward to seeing more!

  2. oh how I envy you! I so wish I could move back to the coast - I have to do lots of sketches while I'm there to sustain me in the long gaps between

  3. christine,
    thanks for stopping in. i just love the painting on your icon and i think it is remarkable you did it on the spot. i look forward to seeing many more.
    funny but photographing the sea i find myself more and more looking up to the sky. i love the way you interpreted it.

  4. vivien,

    I do feel very lucky to be here. it has been a long road to get here. there are many things i left behind and miss very much. thanks so much for stopping in. i look forward to keeping up with your work and experiments. we share a love for water.
